Our Prelims Test Series covers General Studies Paper 1 and General Studies Paper 2 (Civil Services Aptit..
Category : PTS
A detailed schedule of the tests is shared with the brochure of the te..
The duration of each test is of ..
A student can subscribe to Prelims Preparatory Classes that will help him/her in covering static/current events in a detailed and comprehensi..
Yes, we do cover Current Affairs in the tests of the Prelims Te..
A student can provide a screenshot of the technical glitch at helpdesk@forumi..
A student cannot re-attempt the test. However, we do provide a Question Paper and Sol..
We provide the tests in English Me..
The test discussion video of each test is provided to the enrolled students. The video is uploaded within 24 Working Hours of releasing of..
We do provide a detailed scorecard for each attempted test on the student dashboard that consists of a correct and incorrect number of ..